Hometown: Oskaloosa, Iowa
Nick first experienced our campus in middle school when he attended a Catholic Youth Conference. Everything – including the people he met – made a big impression, which was reinforced during subsequent visits. When he launched his college search, Nick put SAU on the list. Another campus visit cinched his decision. "I felt at home here."
Why SAU?
How are you involved at SAU, and how has that changed you?
Nick is active in Chemistry Club, Biology Club, Disc Golf Club, and formerly helped with Dance Marathon. "The Chemistry Club is one of the closest groups on campus, and one of the best. All of the members are super friendly," he says. Once a month, they gather for a casual 'Eating Pizza Committee of the Chemistry Club' meeting, each time at a different pizzeria. Chemistry faculty strive to spark curiosity and professional ties via field trips such as traveling to American Chemical Society meetings and the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. "They are a tight-knit group of professors; the third floor of Lewis Hall really feels like home to me," Nick says.
What is the benefit of attending SAU?
"One of the things you learn at a smaller university is how important it is to build relationships, and the same is true in research," Nick says. For example, Nick was able to build relationships with the people running equipment he needed for research. "The personal aspect of a small school is helpful, and you get a good balance of learning things yourself and learning when to ask questions."