President Amy C. Novak, EdD, announced today that Diane Murtha ‘84, 94 and Sr. Mary Thomas will give the keynote addresses at the 2024 Spring graduate and undergraduate commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 18. Sr. Thomas will also be recognized with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree for her significant philanthropic and humanitarian efforts.
Diane Murtha, who will address the 2024 graduate and doctoral candidates next month, attended St. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ and completed her undergraduate degrees in accounting and business administration in 1984, and her MBA in 1994. Murtha retired in 2016 after a 32-year career as a U.S. Department of Army civilian at Rock Island Arsenal, Washington, D.C., and Europe. Murtha was responsible for the success of many Army initiatives including outreach, talent management, and acquisition initiatives for 38,000 Army Acquisition Workforce professionals, and developing, planning and executing the management of the Army’s Services Acquisition Program, a $50B annual initiative.
In 2018, Ms. Murtha launched her own business, Diane L. Murtha. She is an award-winning fiber artist, author, freelance writer, and international lecturer and instructor. Her quilts and articles are in books, 30+ magazines, and multiple juried exhibits and international shows, including the prestigious National Quilt Museum and International Quilt Festival. Diane published her first book, Artful Insights in Fiber: Quilted Bits of Wit & Wisdom in 2023. She most recently contributed to the online Volume 33 of the 2024 which will go live on May 1.
A strong mentoring advocate, Ms. Murtha has been a regular volunteer at the SAU Career Center and Career Boot Camp events. She and her husband, Tim, were certified foster parents in Virginia and Iowa for over ten years. They currently reside in Iowa.
Sr. Mary Thomas, who will give her address to the undergraduate class of 2024, is a religious sister of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aberdeen, South Dakota. She also served as campus minister and residence hall director for Presentation College from 1984 to 1989. Sr. Thomas attended Presentation College, Creighton University, and St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she received her Master of Science degree in Organizational Leadership in 2006. Sr. Thomas currently serves as Senior Vice President of Mission Service, Leadership Vice President, for Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Sr. Mary Thomas says her love of theology and Christian spirituality matured her in her relationship to God and in union with others in God. She discerned she was called to become a religious sister and joined the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aberdeen, SD. Inspired by the zeal of Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters, she joined other like-minded sisters to alleviate oppression and promote human dignity.
Her life of service is characterized by being mindful of the gaps in society. Who does not have access to the goods of society and what steps can be taken to bridge those gaps so all may flourish. Sr. Mary leads by inviting others to contemplative dialogue, guiding others to listen together for the path forward. Her compassion and vision are a bright light for others.
Spring commencement will be held during two Saturday ceremonies on May 18 at Vibrant Arena at The Mark: the graduate and doctoral hooding ceremony at 9 a.m. as well as the undergraduate ceremony beginning at 1 p.m. For more information, 2024 Spring Commencement webpage.
Please join the SAU campus community in celebrating Diana Murtha and Sr. Mary Thomas as we honor their outstanding examples of faith, social justice and service.