"Whether following the will of God or our bond with nature, let us be a help to each other ... let us bring aid to one another, either through effort or duty or money or good works or in any way we can so that we might increase the sense of fellowship among us."
- Saint Ambrose of Milan, On Duties 1.28.135
It’s easy to walk around the St. Ambrose campus and pick out prominent alumni and donors whose generosity has made a significant impact; Jim ’56 and Mary Hagen, Hagen Hall; Margaret (Hon. ’78) and Bud Tiedemann, Tiedemann Hall; Ed (Hon. ’08) and Bobbi (Hon. ’08) Rogalski, Rogalski Center; Tom Higgins ’67, Higgins Hall.
The collective impact all donors have on the campus might not be evident, but it is felt by students every day. Together, those donors made it possible to award financial aid to all first-year students and ensure quality programming.
During the 2022-23 academic year, over 2,000 donors gave to St. Ambrose. Their gifts totaled over $9 million. Nearly half of those gave under $100.
Ambrosians are inspired to aid their alma mater for a number of reasons. For some, it’s about ensuring future generations are afforded the same experiences they once had. For others, it’s a way to say ‘thanks’ to an institution that instilled values and work ethic that remain with them today. One common thread between all alumni supporters of the university is their love of St. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.
The following donors are graciously sharing their stories of giving with us. We hope they resonate with you, and inspire you to see even the smallest donation can make an impact. Whether through money, community service, or volunteering, there are many opportunities to support St. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ. You can learn about how to get involved by visiting the alumni page on our website at sau.edu/alumni.
Doug Platt ’16
B.A. in Computer Network Administration, Computer Network Investigations
Information Security Engineer, John Deere
Doug Platt made his first donation to the university before even officially graduating from St. Ambrose.
“I remember making that donation during the Senior Reception on one of my final days at Ambrose.” He recalls the pivotal moment as his transition from student to alumnus. “I remember thinking to myself that this will help me to maintain my connection to the university and continue to contribute to it, even though I’m about to graduate.”
As a student, he experienced the direct impact of donor support during a study abroad trip to Rome. “Multiple expenses on the trip were covered by donor gifts, which went a long way towards making it more affordable. I distinctly remember the feeling of finding out that something as simple as an admission ticket to a museum would be covered as the result of this generosity.”
Experiences like the donor support of his study abroad trip and Platt's Ambrosian values of service and community that inspire him to make a difference for future generations.
“St. Ambrose has given so much to me by way of memories, experiences, and opportunities, and it’s important to me to find ways to repay that by giving back to both the campus and the community. I try to accomplish that by serving on Ambrose’s Alumni Board, actively participating in the Day of Giving each year, and volunteering in the community whenever I can.”
In the end, he feels like every little bit makes a difference.
“Anything you have to offer can go much further than you think and can end up making a world of difference to even a single student.” Reflecting again on his study abroad experience in Rome is reminded of the small but influential act of his group’s museum tickets being covered. “While it may not sound like much, expenses on such a trip can add up very quickly, so having one less thing to worry about was quite impactful for us all.”
Sara (Clifton) Romaine ’13
B.A. in Journalism, Radio/TV Production
Marketing Communications Content Coordinator, John Deere Forestry Division
Sara (Clifton) Romaine (pictured above with husband Nic and son Henry) has donated to St. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ for eight consecutive years. She’s inspired to give back because of the lasting impact St. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ had on her life.
“I have so many happy memories from my time there. I have lasting friendships that started at Ambrose, and I have an awesome education that has helped me do things that I love.”
Romaine says she was lucky to receive a number of scholarships while attending St. Ambrose. “In general, I have no idea who made them possible,” she reflected. Now she wants to do her part to provide those opportunities to others.
“I think it’s sort of magical to be able to give freely and know you’ve made some sort of ripple effect or positive impact on someone’s life. I’ll likely never know them, but I also may end up co-workers with them someday. The world works in amazing ways.”
The John Deere employee considers herself lucky to work for an organization that helps her donations go further. “Doing things that I love at my job has afforded me the opportunity to give back. I’m also able to take advantage of my employer having a matching gift opportunity.”
Romaine remembers her first donation in 2016. “I knew it was small but I was excited to give back,” she recalls. She encourages others to embrace this mindset. “Any amount adds up. Honestly, it is more than they would have without you.
“There’s also a culture of ‘I give so I should get’ that I think stops people sometimes; or 'why should I donate when I've still got loans?' When you’re in a place to donate and expect nothing in return, I think that’s a great mind shift. Not everyone is financially able to give back and that’s OK. But when you are in a place to do that, I think it is important to do so.”